Product details and overview
- Dispenses a limited quantity of fluid for every sip
- The amount of fluid dispensed is manually adjusted with a regulator (between 3ml to 15ml)
- Can hold hot and cold beverages
- Can hold thin and thick liquids (IDDSI 0, 1, 2)
- Cup size: 8oz
- Can drink through a straw or the nosey cup (rim cutout to prevent head tilting)
- Has two large handles for a secure grip
Indications for use
- For patients with dysphagia with liquids (difficulty swallowing) and require to drink small sips
- For patients with behavioral issues who may drink too fast or larger quantities and risk choking
- To prevent or reduce risks of aspiration pneumonias
- For swallowing rehabilitation
Where to purchase
*Please note: Althought the products on this website have been reviewed by a registered healthcare specialist, they do not replace the professional advice of a healthcare provider.